Simple Pleasures

I’ve either been planning or have been on vacation for a few weeks. My daughter’s latest question. Maybe you share some of these likes.

This list may be quite long. No certain order, just what I thought of at the time.

*Quiet mornings where there’s no sound but birdsong, crickets and the breeze.
*Looking out across the expanse of a beautiful scene.

*Feeling the grass under my feet.
*A cold drink of water when I’m thirsty.
*Hearing a baby’s babble and seeing a baby’s smile.
*Hugs. Long ones.
*Listening to people’s life stories.

*Being called Ms. Debbie.
*Wildflowers in a yard, by the roadside, in a vase.

*Time spent with friends, new and old.

*Sunrises. Sunsets.
*Mountains. Valleys. Streams and rivers.
*The sound of gurgling rivers.
*Waterfalls, big or small or grand. And the sound of said waterfalls.

*An oasis in the middle of a city.
*Green spaces.
*Tall trees and the sound of the breeze blowing through them.
*When my little friends smile and run to me for a hug.
*Traveling to places I have never been before.
*Traveling to places I have been before.
*A comfortable bed.
*Soft fabrics.
*Quilting, crocheting.
*Memories shared of times with loved ones.
*Hugs. Oh, did I say that already?
*Enjoying time with my daughter who has awesome ideas and fun things to make me smile. “Verde grude pflimfer hrder.”
*A good meal with good friends/family.
*Watching birds do their thing, whether it’s finding a mate, building a nest, or feeding their young.
*Dogs that just want some lovin’.
*Jigsaw puzzles. Sudoku. 
*Colors and using them to create something beautiful.
*Creating something for someone.
*Blessing someone because I am blessed.
*Studying, researching, and teaching what I have found out in said studying/researching.
*Cool breezes.
*The smell of rain. Petrichor.
*Stories that could’ve been history.
*Seeing the earth from an airplane.

*Visiting the Pacific Northwest. They have different trees and wildlife than what I see where I live.
*Anticipation of upcoming/planned trips.
*Knowing that there are people like me.
*Knowing that I am one of a kind.
*My mother’s soft hands.
*My daddy’s writings.
*Discovering something new that I’d never noticed before.
*Getting all the lights green on my way across town.
*Giving hugs. They’re my superpower, you know.
*Colored rocks.
*Thoughtful people.
*Puffy white clouds. Wispy clouds. Clouds.
*Clear blue skies.
*Clear starry skies.
*Moon shine. And moon shadows.
*Hearing the sound of baby locusts clicking for the first time.
*Winding, hilly, treelined roads. God made them just for me. Okay. They’re probably man-made but that I actually get to find them on occasion…
*Quilts from great grandmothers.
*Small towns and town squares.
*When other people do the driving in big cities.
*The fjords of Norway.
*The hills of the Scottish Highlands.
*Watching love in action.
*Occasional snowfall.
*Old houses restored.
*Knowing where I come from, where I’ve been, and where I’m going.
*Finding out why something, someone, or someplace has been named what it is.
*Being good tired.
*Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
*Olympic Mountain ice cream. (Yes, it really is better than Blue Bell.)
*The smell of lavender.
*Movies with great soundtracks.
*Music, most kinds.
*Watching little ones imitating their parents.
*The joy of accomplishment.
*Coloring books.
*Colored pencils, pens, crayons.
*The smell of school supplies.
*The smell of freshly cut wood.
*Butterflies and dragonflies and damselflies.
*Baby frogs.
*Frog songs.
*The memories that come from smells. (Railroad ties=Six Flags over Texas.)
*The sound of a wooden bat hitting a baseball.
*Worshipping with others.
*Finding new singer/songwriter artists and enjoying their style or voice or both.